Testing! Testing! Is this thing working? My 1st blog, it's been a year full of firsts🥰 all good! so I'm following my YNPmate Margaret's lead creating a blog for friends and family back home.
Margaret's blog at the link below:
After a great 1st season at Yellowstone, i thought I'd apply for Winter at Old Faithful Snow Lodge, for several positions but i really wanted to work with my managers in Housekeeping: they got the job done, lead a great team of folks, despite any challenges. Great leadership in subzero temps and snow? Sign me up! So I'll be spending December through February working with Brooke, Kyle and Hailee. Bossman Boland is on to his sophomore year - I'll miss him and will hopefully get another shot at working with "Will Do"👍
Until i return to YNP, I'll be spending the next 46days with my kids, purging my possessions and getting a suntan 🌞😎