An impromptu trip to Mammoth, I scored a ride with a coworker and a driver that recommend I sign up for The Wake Up To Wildlife Tour. 6am Sunday on a bus to Lamar Valley. Seen my first moose, a family of three (my pictures don't do the experience justice). She's hiked Electric Peak, even shot the pix from inside the park for me . . . did I mention her playlist was on point!
This trip from Old Faithful to Mammoth I enjoyed the park like a visitor. Last season (and this season and next season too!) My
BossLady Brooke put it this way: we get to work, and live in this place that people $ave to visit maybe once in a lifetime.
The DJdriver asked me what I find is the most difficult part of my job, my answer is the same as last season: saying goodbye. You live and work alongside the same group of people (I'm scheduled to return for my 3rd season this Spring). It's a smaller staff in the winter, you get to know and care about each other. This weekend was evidence of that.
Got to see some familiar faces in Mammoth, happy to make acquaintance of new ones too! My ride home was shotgun on the luggage truck. It was snowing, alot! Visibility was poor. The Driver was a slow and steady, 50 miles in 2½ hours. I tip my hat to both Ladies who provided my rides, got me there and back safely. ✌
Bison, rise and shine!
Our Tour Driver Victoria
Moose @Pebble Creek
P.S. got back to find THIS at my door🥰
I don't know who left this for me but they know what i Like 🍫+☕=❤